
2018年09月27日 来源:来学网




  第一篇Ethnic Tensions in Belgium

  Belgium has given the world Audrey Hepburn Rene Magritte (surrealist artist), the saxophone(萨克斯管)and deep-fried potato chips that are somehow called French.

  But the story behind this flat, twice-Beijing-size country is of a bad marriage between two nationalities living together that cannot stand each other. With no new government, more than a hundred days after a general election, rumors run wild that the country is about to disappear.

  "We are two different nations, an artificial state. With nothing in common except a king, chocolate and beer." Said Filp Dewinter, the leader of the Flemish Bloc, the extreme-right Flemish party.

  Radical Flemish separatists like Mr Dewinter want to divide the country horizontally along ethnic and economic lines: to the north. Flanders—where Dutch (known locally as Flemish) is spoken and money is increasingly made; to the south. French-speaking Wallonla, where today old factories dominate the landscape.

  The area of present-day Belgium passed to the French in the 18th century. Following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815. Belgium was given to the kingdom of the Netherlands, from which it gained independence as a separate kingdom in 1830.

  Since then, it has struggled for cohesion(结合).Anyone who has spoken French in a Flemish city quickly gets a sense of the mutual hostility that is part of daily life there.

  But there are reasons Belgium is likely to stay together, at least in the short term.

  The economies of the two regions are tightly linked, and separation would be a financial nightmare.

  But there is also deep resentment in Flanders that its much healthier economy must subsidize(补贴)the south, where unemployment is double that of the north. French speakers in the south, meanwhile, favor the status quo(现状).

  Belgium has made it through previous threats of division. Although some political analysts believe this one is different, there is no panic just now.

  "We must not worry too much." said Baudouln Bruggeman, a 55-year-old school-teacher." Belgium has survived on compromise since 1930. You have to remember that this is Magritte's country, the country of surrealism. Anything can happen."

  36【题干】Who was Magritte?

  A.A French novelist

  B.A saxophonist

  C.A separatist

  D.A surrealist artist


  【解析】Belgium has given the world Audrey Hepburn Rene Magritte (surrealist artist), the saxophone(萨克斯管)and deep-fried potato chips that are somehow called French.

  37.【题干】when did Belgium become an independent kingdom?

  A.in 1800

  B.in 1830

  C.in 1815

  D.in 1930


  【解析】Belgium was given to the kingdom of the Netherlands, from which it gained independence as a separate kingdom in 1830.

  38【题干】Which statement about Belgium is NOT true?

  A.it is twice as big as Beijing.

  B.it has two major ethnic groups.

  C.it has gone through quite a few threats of division.

  D.it has no government.


  【解析】the story behind this flat, twice-Beijing-size country(A) is of a bad marriage between two nationalities living together(B) that cannot stand each other.(C) With no new government,(D) more than a hundred days after a general election, rumors run wild that the country is about to disappear.

  39【题干】what does the passage mainly talk about?

  A.Surrealist artists.

  B.Belgium's economy.

  C.Cultural clashes in Belgium.

  D.Music in Belgium.



  40【题干】The word "stand" in Paragraph 2 means_____.






  【解析】”But the story behind this flat, twice-Beijing-size country is of a bad marriage between two nationalities living together that cannot stand(忍受) each other. With no new government, more than a hundred days after a general election, rumors run wild that the country is about to disappear.


  Backpacksare convenient.They can hold your books,your lunch,and achange ofclothes,leaving your hands free to do other things.Someday,if youdont mindcarrying a heavy load,your backpacks might also power your MP31player,keep yourcell phone running,and maybe even light your wayhome.

  LawrenceC.Rome and his colleagues from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia2and the Marine Biological Laboratory in WoodsHole3,Mass.4,have invented abackpack that makes electricity from energyproduced while its wearer walks.Inmilitary actions,search-and-rescueoperations,and scientific fieldstudies,people rely increasingly on cellphones,global positioning system (GPS)5 receivers,night-vision goggles,andother battery powered devices to get aroundand do their work.The backpackselectricity- generating feature coulddramatically reduce the amount of awearer’s load now devoted to spare batteries,report Rome and his colleaguesinthe Sept.9 Science6.

  Thebackpacks electricity-creating powers depend onsprings used to hang a clothpack from its metal frame.The frame sits againstthe wearer’s back,and the whole pack moves upand down as the person walks.Agear mechanism converts vertical movements of thepack to rotary motions of anelectrical generator,producing up to 7.4 watts.

  Unexpectedly,testsshowedthat wearers of the new backpack alter their gaits in response to thepacksoscillations,so that they carry loads more comfortably and with lesseffortthan they do ordinary backpacks.Because of that surprising advantage,Romeplans to commercialize both electric and non-electric versionsof the backpack.

  The backpackcould be especially useful orsoldiers,scientists,mountaineers,and emergencyworkers who typically carryheavy backpacks.For the rest of us,power-generatingbackpacks could make itpossible to walk,play video games,watch TV,and listen tomusic,all at the sametime.Electricity-generating packs arent on the marketyet,but if you do get one eventually,just make sure to look both ways beforecrossing thestreet!

  1.Backpacks are convenient because

  答案: yourhands are freed to do other things.

  2.What is the most important feature of the backpack invented byLawrence C.Romeand his colleagues?

  答案: Itproduces electricity forelectronic devices while the wearer walks.

  3.The word "springs" inParagraph 3 means .

  答案: a lengthof metal woundaround,which returns to its original shape after

  being pushed.

  4.Accordingto Paragraph 4,what does Rome plan to do?

  A To makethe backpackmore comfortable for the wearer.

  答案: To putthe backpack on the market.

  5.What isimplied in “if you do getoneeventually,just make sure to took both ways before crossing thestreet!"?

  答案:Enjoyingelectronic devices while walking may invite traffic accidents.

  第三篇Covering the Coast All by Himself

  University life is in no way cheap in Canada. It costs Peter Kemp, a computer science major at the British Columbia Institute of Technology in Vancouver, C$18,000 a year.

  Amazingly, the 21-year-old is covering the cost by himself.

  For the past three years, Kemp has done a range of part-time jobs to pay for his tuition and living expenses. Last semester alone, he worked five jobs for 32-40 hours a week. Life is busy, but Kemp enjoys it.

  “Doing part-time jobs gives me economic independence,” said Kemp, who will begin his senior year this fall. “Having economic independence gives me the ability to take control of my life and make my own decisions,” said Kemp. “It has also helped me understand the value of money.

  Among Kemp’s five jobs last semester, two were on campus. For one, he helped maintain the university’s computer labs. For the other, he worked at the IT service desk to help students and teachers solve their computer problems. He also worked for a small company that develops GPS systems. This job paid him well at C$27 an hours.

  “These jobs made me put what I’ve learned in university to practical use,” Kemp said.“I accomplished creative and imaginative tasks by applying my abilities to thework. ”

  Good time management skills help Kemp balance work and study. He’s a top student in his class. And he will be the student association chairman for his department beginning next semester. It’s a position that he has desired for a long time.“It will give me the opportunity to be the voice for my fellow students and make a difference,” says Kemp.

  “I believe one of the key secrets to juggling(应付)everything is toavoid putting off tasks. This can leave you stressed and reduce the quality ofyour work and health,” he said.

  “I often make a list of the things I need to do each day and rank them by their importance. The list helps me decide what task I should do first and when I should complete it. Remember to ask for help when you think you can’t finish something on time, or can’ t finish it by yourself. ”

  31.Who isPeter Kemp?

  A.A computer student

  B.An American student

  C.A French student

  D.A British student

  32. How did he manage to pay his tuition and living expenses?

  A.He did a variety of part-time jobs.

  B.He wona few scholarships.

  C.He borrowed money from his parents.

  D.He obtained cheap loans from the bank.

  33.Which of the following is NOT directly mentioned in the passage as an advantage of having economic independence?

  A.it makes one understand that life is not easy.

  B.it helpsone know the value of money.

  C.it gives one the ability to control his or her life.

  D.it enable one to make his or her own decisions.

  34. Kemp is able to balance work and study due to his

  A.strong will power.

  B.exceptional intelligence.

  C.desire to become a leader.

  D.good management of time.

  35.The phrase “putting off” in Paragraph 7 means






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