
2018年09月27日 来源:来学网


       The Most Wonderful Islands

  The Palm Islands are the largest artificial islands in the world and are under construction in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. They are being developed as tourist, leisure, and residential resorts, and will increase the coastline of the country by 120 kilometers.

  After four years of planning and careful consideration of the environmental issues, construction started in 2001. Dutch engineers with experience of reclaiming land from the sea were employed in the building of the fhst two islands. The site for all three islands is an area of the sea where the water is not very deep. Sand is taken from the seabed and sprayed into the construction site. Although the shallow water facilitates this process, the islands are still very exposed to the currents and tidal movements of the sea. Rocks are used to hold the sand in place resulting in a large crescent (月状的)structure. This acts as a breakwater and protects the islands from the sea.

  The first two islands are in the shape of date palm trees and consist of a trunk and 17 frond, or leaves coming off the trunk. The first island, named Palm Jumeirah, has three five-star hotels in the trunk, and luxury homes in the leaves. It is astonishing that when these homes went on sale in 2004,they were all sold within three days.

  The second palm, Jebel All, was started in 2002 and is designed to be an entertainment centre. Six marinas ( 小游艇船坞 )are planned, with a water theme park, and homes built on stilts ( 桩柱 )in the water.

  The Palm Deira planned to be the largest of the three islands, with a length of 14 km and a width of 8.5 km, an area larger than the city of Paris. It will consist of residential properties, marinas,shopping malls, sports facilities, and clubs. These will be open to both residents and tourists.

  More artificial islands, the World Islands, are now being constructed near the Palm Jumeirah.

  They consist of 300 private islands grouped into the shape of the continents of the world and will be used for estates, private homes, community islands, and resorts.

  Unquestionably, these artificial islands are one of the wonders of the modem world. They will also maintain Dubai's status as one of the leading tourist destinations in the region.

  16. Some Dutch engineers are experienced in reclaiming land from the sea.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  17. The islands are being built in the deep water of the sea.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  18. Rocks for building the breakwater were taken from the World of Islands.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  19. All the luxury homes on Palm Jumeriah were sold.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  20. The water theme park in Jebel Ali will attract more tourists.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  21. The Palm Deria will be the same size as Paris.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  22. The World Islands are bigger than the Palm Jumeriah.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned


  16.A。题干:一些荷兰的工程师在退海造地方面很有经验。利用题干关键词Dutch engineers可以定位第二段“Dutch engineers with experience of reclaiming land from the sea wereemployed in the building of the first two islands”,即“有着退海造地经验的荷兰工程师受雇于最早两个岛屿的建设”,由此可知,题干信息与原句信息一致,故答案为A。

  17.B。题干:岛屿建在海的深水区。利用题干关键词deep water可以定位到第二段“The sitefor all three islands is an area of the sea where the water is not very deep”。由此可知,题干信息与原句信息不一致,故答案为B。

  18.C。题干:用于建造防波堤的岩石取自世界之岛。利用题干关键词rocks和WbrldofIslands可以定位第二段“Rocks are used to hold the sand in place resulting in a large crescent(月状的)structure.This acts as a breakwater and protects the islands from the sea.”,即“岩石用来固定沙子并形成月状结构,这起到了防波堤的作用从而保护岛屿不受海水的影响”,但是没有提及这些岩石的来源,由此可知答案为C。

  19.A。题干:Palm Jumeriah上那些奢华的房子都卖掉了。利用题干关键词luxury homes和Palm Jumeriah等可以定位到第三段“The first island,named Palm Jumeirah,has three five—star hotels in the trunk,and luxury homes in the leaves.It is astonishing that when these homes went on sale in 2004,they were all sold within three days”,即“第一个岛屿取名为Palm Jumeriah,树干部分是五星级的宾馆,叶子之中是一些奢华的房子,但是令人吃惊的是这些房子在2004年开始出售,结果三天时间就销售一空”,由此可知,题干信息与原句信息一致,故答案为A。

  20.C。题干:JebelAli岛的水主题公园将吸引更多的游客。利用题干关键词JebelAli和tourists可以定位到第四段“Jebel Ali,was started in 2002 and is designed to be an entertainment centre.Six marinas are planned,with a water theme park,and homes built on stilts(桩柱)in the water”,即“JebelAli始建于2002年,其规划设计是一个娱乐中心。该岛上准备建6个小游艇船坞,并有水主题公园以及建在水里木桩上的房子”,但是没有提及游客的事情,故答案为c。

  21.B。题干:Palm Deria跟巴黎一样大。利用题干关键词Palm Deria和Paris可以定位到第五段“The Palm Deira planned to be the largest of the three islands.with a length of l4 km and a width of8.5 km,an area larger than the city ofParis.”,即“Palm Deira是三个岛屿中最大的,长14千米,宽8.5千米,比巴黎市还大”。由此可知,题干信息与原句信息不一致,故答案为B。

  22.C。题干:World Islands比Palm Jumeriah还要大。利用题干关键词World Islands和Palm Jumeriah等可以定位到第六段,该段中提到World Islands位于Palm Jumeriah附近,但是没有提及两个岛屿的大小,故答案为C。


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